Clientii nostri se intorc, furtunurile noastre nu


AcasaFurtunuriFurtun pentru transport aer fierbinte si gazeFurtun din silicon SIL FLEXADUX P4 SILL II

Furtun din silicon SIL FLEXADUX P4 SILL II


Furtun de silicon-poliuretan, usor si foarte flexibil

Tubul: Tesatura din sticla acoperita cu silicon, 2 -straturi
Proprietăți: Rezistenta excelenta la caldura, isi mentine flexibilitatea la temperaturi joase,rezistenta chimica foarte buna.
Aplicatii: Absorbtie aer fierbinte si gaze in fabricarea hartiei, industria de mase plastice si constructia de vehicule.
Domeniu de temperatura: -70°C la +250°C

Nr. ArticolPret (per metru)Cantitate (metri)Diametru interior Ø mmDiametru interior Ø inchGrosime Ø mmPresiune de lucruAspirator - barÎndoire unghi mmGreutate 
kg / m
0405720140132,83 leiThis product cannot be bought online251"28,22,80-0,65250,160
0405720150104,09 leiThis product cannot be bought online301 3/16"32,22,80-0,65300,170
0405720100104,09 lei

321 1/4"35,22,50-0,58320,180
0405720101123,35 leiThis product cannot be bought online341 5/16"36,22,40-0,58340,187
0405720300141,53 lei

351 3/8"37,22,40-0,58350,190
0405720301127,31 leiThis product cannot be bought online361 7/16"38,22,40-0,56360,195
0405720302114,77 leiThis product cannot be bought online381 1/2"41,22,40-0,56380,210
0405720303133,67 leiThis product cannot be bought online391 9/16"42,12,40-0,56390,219
0405720304149,51 leiThis product cannot be bought online411 5/8"44,22,40-0,55410,238
0405720305152,27 leiThis product cannot be bought online441 3/4"47,22,40-0,55440,255
0405720900133,19 lei

0405720901173,51 leiThis product cannot be bought online552 3/16"58,72,30-0,53550,315
0405720902180,89 lei

572 1/4"60,72,30-0,53570,330
0405721200154,85 lei

602 3/8"63,72,30-0,46600,343
0405721300158,69 lei

632 1/2"66,72,20-0,46630,355
0405721301187,96 leiThis product cannot be bought online652 9/16"68,72,20-0,46650,370
0405721302174,35 leiThis product cannot be bought online702 3/4"73,72,20-0,44700,435
0405721700175,07 lei

0405721800188,50 lei

803 1/8"83,72,10-0,40800,505
0405721801221,26 leiThis product cannot be bought online833 1/4"86,72,10-0,40830,510
0405721900204,04 lei

903 9/16"93,72,00-0,40900,545
0405721901241,84 leiThis product cannot be bought online953 3/4"98,72,00-0,40950,570
0405722400222,58 lei

0405722401260,74 leiThis product cannot be bought online1084 1/4"112,21,80-0,301080,735
0405722402264,52 leiThis product cannot be bought online1104 5/16"113,21,70-0,301100,750
0405722403247,42 leiThis product cannot be bought online1144 1/2"118,21,70-0,281140,785
0405722404247,42 leiThis product cannot be bought online1204 3/4"124,21,60-0,231200,810
0405722600274,66 lei

0405722601273,52 leiThis product cannot be bought online1305 1/8"133,71,40-0,201300,890
0405722602289,36 leiThis product cannot be bought online1405 1/2"144,71,30-0,181400,945
0405723000305,13 lei

0405723001319,65 leiThis product cannot be bought online1606 5/16"165,20,90-0,091601,150
0405723002375,03 leiThis product cannot be bought online1656 1/2"170,20,80-0,081651,190
0405723003398,07 leiThis product cannot be bought online1787"183,20,80-0,071781,280
0405723004401,91 leiThis product cannot be bought online1807 1/16"185,20,80-0,701801,300
0405723005430,94 leiThis product cannot be bought online2038"208,20,60-0,062031,395
0405723006473,36 leiThis product cannot be bought online2309 1/16"235,20,50-0,052301,600
0405723007574,87 leiThis product cannot be bought online25410"259,20,40-0,042541,785
0405723008708,96 leiThis product cannot be bought online30512"310,20,20-0,023052,150
